All awaiting the US PCE data later today

The market moves so far today have been tentative at best. While the dollar has pared most of its advance against some major currencies, it is still holding slight gains against commodity currencies at the moment - though nothing too significant.

Perhaps only the drop in NZD/USD is what stands out from a technical perspective.

Besides that, EUR/USD is sticking around 1.2190-00 currently with GBP/USD also hovering just below the pivotal 1.4200 level with large expiries one to note for both pairs.

Looking ahead, market participants will keep their eyes peeled on the inflation numbers later to see if that will revive any heated debate before the long weekend.


With Monday being a holiday in London and US, we could see some positioning plays come into action - not to forget month-end trading as well.

All of that put together could make for a more messy and tricky end to the week.