Kicks off at 2245GMT from New Zealand
Building permits for May, prior 6.6%
2350GMT - Japan - Industrial Production for May (preliminary), for the m/m data: expected -0.2%, prior 0.5%. For the y/y the expected is +1.9% while prior was -3.3%.
You may recall the earthquakes in April, impacting on IP - these impacts will flow through into May's data also.
Also, international flow of securities
0100GMT - New Zealand - ANZ Activity Outlook for June, prior 30.4 and ANZ Business Confidence for June, prior 11.3
0130GMT - Australia - Job vacancies for May, prior 2.7%
0130GMT - Australia - Private Sector Credit for May, m/m expected 0.5%, prior 0.5% and for the y/y expected 6.7% and prior 6.7%