Greetings if you are visiting us from the future ... this being Back to the Future Day and all. Here is the data due today, but you probably already know the results!
2300GMT - Australia - Leading Index (August) from the Conference Board, Prior was +0.3% m/m
2330GMT - Australia - Leading index ((September) from Westpac, Prior was -0.3% m/m
2350GMT - Japan -
- Trade Balance (September) Expected is Y 87bn, Prior was Y -569.4bn
- Trade Balance Adjusted (September) Expected is Y -63.4n, Prior was Y -658.8bn
- Exports, Expected is +3.8% y/y, Prior was +3.1
- Imports, Expected is -12.0%, Prior was -3.1%
0200GMT - New Zealand - Credit Card Spending (September), Prior was +1.1% m/m and +10.5% y/y
0430GMT - Japan - All industry Activity Index (August), Expected is -0.2% m/m, Prior was +0.2%
Here's another little bit of 1985 ...