Economic data due from Japan for 9 September 2013 includes final q2 GDP, BOP current Account for July, bank lending and, later in the day bankruptcies and the consumer confidence index.

At 2350GMT:

  • Final Q2 GDP (seasonally adjusted) q/q, expected +1.0%, prior +0.6%
  • Final Q2 GDP Annualized (seasonally adjusted) q/q: expected +3.9%, prior 2.6%
  • Final Q2 GDP Nominal (seasonally adjusted) q/q: expected +1.0%, prior +0.7%
  • Final Q2 GDP Deflator y/y: expected -0.3%, prior -0.3%

(The preliminary data for Q2 GD was released 11 August, more detail here)

Also at 2350GMT:

  • BOP Current Account Balance for July: expected Y 507.7bn, prior Y 336.3bn
  • BOP Current Account Adjusted for July: expected Y 312.0bn, prior Y 646.2bn
  • Trade balance BoP Basis for July: expected Y -871.7bn, prior Y -139.2bn
  • Bank Lending excluding trusts for August, prior was +2.3%
  • Bank Lending including trusts for August, prior was +2.0%

Later in the day:

  • 0430GMT Bankruptcies y/y for August, prior was -0.09%
  • 0500GMT Consumer Confidence Index for August: expected is 44.0, prior was 43.6