European Investment Bank president Hoyer out on Bloomberg 30 Aug 2016

"My gut feeling is that I'd regret if TTIP not advancing"

  • setting standards together with US would be useful
  • EU must seek and protect its place in global competition
  • EU's public infrastructure needs more investments

Hoyer adding his thoughts to the conflicting comments out of late.

The EIB is the European Union's bank and are the only bank owned by and representing the interests of the European Union Member States. We work closely with other EU institutions to implement EU policy.

"As the largest multilateral borrower and lender by volume, the EIB provide finance and expertise for sound and sustainable investment projects which contribute to furthering EU policy objectives. More than 90% of our activity is focused on Europe but we also support the EU's external and development policies"

Meanwhile Euro still going nowhere in a hurry today.