European indices in the red.

The European major indices are closing down on the day but off low levels.

  • UK FTSE is down -0.2%
  • German Dax down 0.5%
  • France CAC down 0.8%
  • Spain's Ibex down 1.3%

For the week,the major indices are also lower.

  • EUro Stoxx down about -2.5%
  • UK FTSE lower by -0.85%
  • France CAC down -2.20%
  • German Dax down -1.5%
  • Italy MIB down -4.0%

In the European debt market, 10 year yields are higher:

  • German 10 year yield -0.35%, +5 basis points
  • France 10 year yield 0.188%, +5 basis points
  • Italy 10 year yield 1.134%, +6 basis points
  • Spain 10 year yield 0.956%, +4 basis points
  • UK 10 year yield 0.622%, +7n basis points