• FTSE flat – +1.29% week
  • Cac -1.2% - +1.89% wk
  • Dax -0.7% - +2.71% wk
  • Ibex -0.7% – +2.77% wk
  • FTSE Mib -0.5% - +2.24% wk

European bonds

  • Italy 2.58% -2bp
  • Spain 2.38% -2bp
  • Portugal 3.24% +2bp
  • Germany 0.983% -1bp

Hard to get a real grasp on the close with all that’s gone on today. There’s been no expectation in European markets to Draghi pulling a rabbit out of the hat but the threat is there. Surely he’s got to be better than Yellen, no?