Germany is settling into a new normal in living with the coronavirus


RKI estimates another ~400 recoveries, bringing the total on that front to ~163,200 persons, with the virus reproduction rate seen at 0.68 as of yesterday.

The figures here are consistent around the hundreds, with the latest also boosted by a cluster of infections at a refugee center in the Bavarian city of Regensburg.

According to RKI, the district is the only one to exceed the supposed key threshold of 50 new cases per 100,000 people, which suggests that restrictions should be reimposed.

However, authorities said that citizens should not be overly concerned as the source of the infection has been located and could be contained.

As mentioned before, it will be tougher for governments to reimpose lockdowns a second time because of public anxiety and fears of more scrutiny or a bad rep with citizens.

German chancellor Merkel was also out earlier saying "we have gained better control" of the virus situation in general.

She also maintained that despite looser restrictions, basic precautions such as wearing masks and social distancing are still necessary as they adapt to a new way of living.

You can check out Germany and other countries' coroanvirus data here.