On the data agenda, a packed one

2230 GMT Australia Australian Industry Group performance of Manufacturing Index for

AiG Manufacturing PMI for August

  • prior 51.3

2245 GMT New Zealand Terms of Trade for Q2

  • expected 1.0% q/q, prior 0.9%

2350 GMT Japan Capex data for Q2

Capital Spending % y/y

  • expected 1.7%, prior 6.1%

Capital Spending excluding software % y/y

  • expected 2.4%, prior was 6.9%

Company profits %

  • prior 10.3%

Company sales %

  • prior 3.0%

0000 GMT Australia CoreLogic house prices for August

  • prior +0.1% m/m

0030 GMT Japan Jibun Bank/Markit final Manufacturing PMI for August

0100 GMT Australia - Consumer Inflation Expectation for September

  • prior 3.5%

0110 GMT Bank of Japan Japanese Government Bond buying operation

  • 10 - 25, 25+ years remaining until maturity

0130 GMT Australia

Company inventories for Q

  • expected 0.3%, prior 0.7%

Company operating profit for Q

  • expected 2.0%, profit 1.7%

0130 GMT Australia - ANZ job advertisements for

  • prior 0.8% m/m

0145 GMT China Caixin/Markit Manufacturing PMI for August

  • expected 49.8, prior 49.9

0200 GMT New Zealand Treasury Monthly Economic Indicators

Need to chill after typing up that lot