Japan's ruling LDP out with their Upper House election manifesto 3 June 2016

Note: Not officially released but Bloomberg reporting from a copy that it's seen

  • will implement measures in Autumn
  • will stimulate housing investments on continued tax breaks
  • will keep pledge for FY 2020 primary balance goal
  • won't rely on new bonds as source for social security funds
  • will take advantage of zero interest rate for investments, loans for projects worth JPY 30trln over next 5 years
  • will take all measures to reach JPY 600trln GDP
  • will aim to further raise limit to Japan Post Bank deposits
  • will speed up pace of improving ties with China, Russia and S.Korea
  • will consider what US-Japan base agreement should be

USDJPY turning down again to news session lows 108.66 after failing to hold gains above 109.00 as Nikkei turns lower again, now 16601.46 , +0.23% .

Demand/support noted into 108.50 with stops below still.