Larry Kudlow on Bloomberg

  • Trump is the first President to challenge China
  • China is stealing our technology
  • Negotiations have not really begun yet
  • China's response has been unsatisfactory
  • We haven't proposed anything, we're considering it
  • There is no timetable for negotiations
  • The President didn't want to hurt the economy
  • We're going to have 'several months' of consultation before more tariffs
  • We're taking a moderate, tempered approach. This is not a trade war
  • All we're trying to do is save American technology
  • I think Lighthizer and Trump are considering a list of changes China could use remedy the situation, mostly on technology
  • China needs to open their markets
  • In recent years, China has moved backwards on economic openness
  • Today's stock drop "ain't much"

That was a great interview but the problem is that I don't believe Kudlow really speaks for Trump or for the White House.