Good morning, afternoon or evening & welcome to Monday morning

Monday morning market liquidity is very thin. Prices can swing around on not too much at all, so take care out there. Liquidity improves as more Asian centres come on online.

  • EUR/USD 1.1194
  • USD/JPY 106.82
  • GBP/USD 1.2344
  • USD/CAD 1.3607
  • AUD/USD 0.6810
  • NZD/USD 0.6391

AUD and Kiwi off the most. Some local news from Oz, the 2nd most populous state was due to further relax some restriction today, Monday 22 June 2020 but an increase in virus outbreaks have pout the plan on hold. Some of the previous easing have been wound back also. Add into the mix the continuing rises in the US (California has reported its largest ever new virus cases, over 4500. 'Risk' markets might be finally paying attention to that little knocking sound they can hear on their thick skulls?