Actually its quite a useful article: How to Work Out Secretly at the Office

If you’re tempted to use the old “I’m too busy at work to go the gym” excuse, know that exercise doesn’t need to be confined to after-hours. Here, P90X founder and celebrity fitness guru Tony Horton reveals some trusty workplace routines to keep you burning calories all day long.

But still, I had a bit of a giggle at one part:

Clench Your Butt Cheeks (Seriously) … When you squeeze your butt cheeks together, you should rise up in your seat about a full inch. It’s a very healthy, good thing to do … — though you may look a little stressed out.

This shouldn’t be a problem for traders … and the bigger size you trade, and the more illiquid the currency, and the more illiquid the time of day, the bigger the squeeze and the better the work-out!

Am I right, or .. Am I right?
