A summary of who's in, who's out and the days ahead.

Mainland China was closed on Monday and Tuesday for a holiday

  • Hong Kong was open while China was closed on Monday and Tuesday.
  • Hong Kong is closed today, Wednesday, for a holiday.

In China today, at 0130 GMT The People's Bank of China is setting its one-year and five-year loan prime rates. These have remained unchanged for 16 months. Market expectations are for no change

  • one-year loan prime rate 3.85%
  • five-year rate 4.65%
  • preview here

Japan was closed on Monday

  • Japan is closed on Thursday.

Confused? Hope that clears it all up.

As a bit of fun ...

In Australia, Friday is a holiday in Melbourne (Australian markets will remain open).

The holiday is for a football final game. Which is being played the following day, Saturday. And its being played 3000kms away, on the other side of the country.

A summary of who's in, who's out and the days ahead.