Chairman of Senate Finance Committee Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)

Coming off a largely criticized press conference after the meeting with Pres. Trump and Russia's Pres. Putin, Senator Hatch (R- Utah) and chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, is on the wires saying that he may support a bill to curtail President Trumps trade power.

Given the secrecy of the meeting with Putin (there was no transcript of what was said/agreed, nor anyone else present except a translator), that is a lot of unbridled power with a major nuclear foe (or is it friend?). Trump's siding with the Russian leader vs. his own US intelligence is also a concern for Republicans and Democrats.

The trade situation is also an area where Pres. Trump seems to have unlimited power that can get out of hand if left unchecked.

There is some unease on Capitol Hill (or so it seems) and the feeling is more bipartisan.