Canadian house price data from Teranet and National Bank

  • Prior was +13.4% y/y
  • Prices up 0.9% m/m vs +1.0% m/m prior
  • Index at 204.05 vs 202.25 prior

House prices rising 1% a month is a phenomenon that's already way past its best-before date. But what's really eye-opening are the regional numbers.

  • Toronto+1.8% m/m and +24.8% y/y
  • Vancouver +0.85% m/m and +12.2% y/y
  • Hamilton +2.11% m/m and +21.54% y/y
  • Montreal +0.49% m/m and +3.52% y/y
  • Calgary -0.25% m/m and +1.01% y/y

Money is flooding into Toronto and Vancouver is starting to move up again after the ebb following the foreign-buyers tax.