Trump desperately wants the market higher all he needs to do is put on a mask

Trump desperately wants the market higher all he needs to do is put on a mask

We all know masks work. The data at this point is irrefutable.

Sure, they're awkward and a bit uncomfortable but they're a sure-fire way to get economies re-opened and keep people healthy.

What matters right now is leadership and some of the stupidest people in the world have decided to politicize mask-wearing.

That said, Trump is going to find himself torn between wanting the economy/stock market to improve, and not wanting to back down in the mask debate. He's not usually one to back down but this time might be different. Pence today wore a mask in public:

Trump mask

For Pence it's rare, but he's done it before so it may be unwise to read anything into it.

However if Trump makes a U-turn on masks, it's time to buy everything.