The strength of the NZDUSD intrigues me: small country, small economy relying on exports of dairy and the odd sheep, 4.4m population – something must be hurting n’est-ce pas ?

The GBPNZD is at an all time low, the Prime Minister recently worried more than a few by being cagey in his view to protect against a strong NZD whereas his Fin Min at least said that they might act to stem the tide.

The Chinese have been buying willy nilly and to me it doesn’t look good but something in my water tells me it won’t last.

Where will it all end ?

Perhaps they will all come over here – it’s cheap enough ! See the above GBPNZD chart.

And it wasn’t long ago (a matter of weeks) a hedge fund trader was recommending buying GBPNZD at 1.94 for a move to 2.05.