Trump says decision will depend on 'what happens over the next few days'

Trump has the power to declare a national emergency and redirect defense spending money to build a wall. It's a power that's supposed to be used in case of war but it looks like he's prepared to use it to have his way.

Other comments from Trump:

  • Says he doesn't think he's come down from his $5.6 billion request for wall funding

  • China's economy is not doing well, that gives China an incentive to negotiate

  • We are negotiating a location for a summit with North Korea's Kim but sanctions will remain in place

  • US government looking into American being held in Russia

  • We have to build a wall but it can be made of steel instead of concrete

  • China deal is coming along well

On we go with the shutdown. It's tough to say how much it's affected markets but it's a small factor at the very least. The continued positive talk on China is good news.