LONDON (MNI) – A new YouGov poll for the Sun newspaper shows
Liberal Democrat support slipping back.
The daily poll shows the Liberal Democrat support at 28%, Labour at
29% and the Conservatives on 34%. A YouGov poll on April 20 showed
Liberal Democrat support at 34%, its highest level in this electoral
The latest YouGov poll, nevertheless, still points to a hung
parliament with no party on course for an overall majority, with both
the other leading parties, Labour and Conservative, picking up LibDem
Released earlier than usual, the poll comes ahead of the second
leaders debate, scheduled for Thursday evening. Liberal Democrat support
surged after polls showed its leader, Nick Clegg, was widely perceived
to have won the first debate.
The following table shows the most recent polls, with the right
hand column showing the Conservatives’ lead over Labour.
Polls: Table
End !Pollster!Media !Labour! Conservative!Liberal !Conservative!
Date of! !Outlet ! ! !Democrat!Lead Over !
Survey ! ! ! ! ! !Labour !
21-Apr YouGov Sun 29 34 28 5
20-Apr Angus R PoliticalB 23 32 33 9
20-Apr ComRes ITN 25 35 27 9
20-Apr Harris Metro 26 31 30 5
20-Apr YouGov Sun 26 31 34 5
20-Apr Populus Times 28 32 31 4
19-Apr Angus R. PoliticalB. 24 32 32 8
19-Apr Opinium Express 26 32 29 6
18-Apr ComRes ITV 28 32 28 4
18-Apr ICM Guardian 28 33 30 5
17-Apr YouGov Sunday Times 30 33 29 3
17-Apr BPIX Mail Sunday 28 31 32 3
17-Apr ComRes Independent 27 31 29 4
16-Apr YouGov Sun 28 33 30 5
15-Apr ICM Sunday Tel 29 34 27 5
15-Apr YouGov Sun 31 37 22 6
14-Apr YouGov Sun 32 41 18 9
13-Apr Harris Metro 27 36 23 9
13-Apr ComRes ITV 29 35 21 6
10 poll average 26 32.2 30.4 6.2
–London newsroom: 4420 7862 7491
[TOPICS: MABDS$,M$B$$$,MT$$$$]