Huffington Post reports on the matter, citing classified documents by Public Health England to health professionals across the UK

The report cites an official document as to saying that government health officials are not certain that coronavirus reproduction rate is below the 1.0 threshold, despite what government officials have claimed it to be since the start of June.

As of last week, the government stated that the virus reproduction rate was between 0.7 to 0.9. However, the document in question states otherwise - at least for England:


Adding that there are about 7,000 new cases estimated each day on 19 June, which is more than five times the figure reported for the same day i.e. 1,346 cases by the Department of Health and Social Care at the time.

I reckon this will just add to more scrutiny to UK PM Johnson if his plans to reopen the economy starting from 4 July backfire in a significant manner in the weeks to come.

Of note, Johnson has also ruled out going back to mass lockdown as he says that the government has a very efficient "flare up buster" plan to tackle any isolated outbreaks of the virus once the lockdown measures are eased from next month.