–UK CBI Monthly Trends: June Total Orders -23 Vs -18 in May
–UK CBI: June Output Volume +15 vs +17 in May
–UK CBI: June Average Prices +9 vs +14 in May
–UK CBI: June Export Orders -2 vs +3 in May

LONDON (MNI) – Demand for UK manufactured goods weakened slightly
in June following the significant improvement seen in May, the
Confederation of British Industry reported Thursday.

The CBI said the latest numbers did not affect the underlying
improving trend and noted that the orders balance remains close to the
long-term average of -18.

Export orders were also a little weaker compared with May, the CBI
said. The balance of -2 shows that export orders are still seen as
broadly normal as against the 3 seen last month, which was the first
positive balance seen March 2008.

Manufacturers still expect to raise output in the next three
months, with a net 15% expecting production to increase, little changed
on May’s 17% balance – and above the long-term average of 5%.

Inflation pressures remain, but have eased a little, with a balance
of 9% of firms expecting to raise prices, slightly lower than in the
past 3 months. Producers of consumer goods no longer expect domestic
prices to rise, while manufacturers of capital goods and heavy machinery
continue to forecast no change.

The survey was conducted between May 25 and June 9.

–London bureau: 44 20 7862 7941; email: ukeditorial@marketnews.com