Comments by ERG deputy, Steve Baker


He's not exactly wrong to be fair. As it stands, the government doesn't have enough support to push forward with its Brexit plan and let's be honest, there is almost no circumstance in which we will see a time limit being added to the backstop or an alternative being found.

If May is to do good on her word that she won't extend Article 50, markets are left with pricing in two possible outcomes right now. One is that of a customs union compromise between Labour and Tory lawmakers. But such an option will surely divide opinions and send parliament into chaos.

The second outcome is that of a no-deal Brexit. While the odds of that is still rather low and parliament still has a chance to get their say in before deadline day, it still is a distinct possibility at this point.

It looks like things will really go right down to the wire before we see an actual solution or a possible extension come about, but until then expect the pound to be pressured as fears of a no-deal outcome becoming a reality will only grow as the days go by.