There was a (much) earlier report of airstrikes on Deir ez-Zor, the largest city in eastern Syria

That came only via one source and was never confirmed

Now there are

  • Multiple reports of movement of (fighter) aircraft over Lebanon into Syrian airspace
  • Along with what seems to be a cessation of commercial aircraft take offs in the area
  • reports of explosions at Syria's Tiyas Military Airbase, also known as the T-4 Airbase (also not confirmed)

Still no sign of an airstrike, this seems to be the latest devlopment:

  • U.N. Security Council expected to meet about Syria attack
  • The United Kingdom's delegation to the United Nations said that the U.N. Security Council is expected to meet on Monday
  • U.K. was joined by the United States, France, Poland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Kuwait, Peru, and the Ivory Coast in calling for the emergency meeting

Via Axios

All very sketchy and very unconfirmed - so just noting. There is little movement in the yen and there is some buying of 'risk' (eg. AUD up a few tics) so there is likely nothing to these rumours of military aircraft movement etc.