Yellen to receive award in Washington

The economic calendar in the North American session is light:

  • JOLTs job openings will be released at 10 AM ET/1500 GMT. The expectations are for 6075M openings versus 6082M last month. Although lower it is near high levels indicating demand for jobs
  • At 3 PM ET/2000 GMT, US consumer credit for September is expected to rise to 17.5 billion from 13.065 billion last month

On the event calendar:

  • Feds Quaryles speaks at a clearinghouse conference In New York at 12:35 PM ET/1735 GMT
  • Bank of Canada's Poloz speaks at 12:55 PM ET/1755 GMT
  • Bank of England's Taylor speaks in London at 1:30 PM ET/1830 GMT.
  • Bank of Canada's Poloz hold a press conference at 2 PM ET/1900 GMT
  • At 2:30 PM ET/1930 GMT, Fed chair Yellen is scheduled to deliver acceptance remarks at the presentation of the Paul H. Douglas award for ethics in government in Washington DC. It will be the first time Yellen speaks since Jerome Powell was nominated as the next Fed chair.