Not since 2008

The US major stock indices are down for the eighth consecutive day. That has not happened since the 2008 crash. The difference is back then the market lost over 20%. The decline is about 3.08%.

  • S&P is down -9.28 points or -0.44%
  • Nasdaq -47.159 points or --0.92%
  • Dow industrial average -28.97 points or -0.16%

Looking at the S&P index the pprices moving closer to the 200 day moving average. That moving average comes in at 2082.29. The low today reached 2085.23 before rebounding before the close.

In the US debt markets, yyields were little changed:

  • two-year 0.8095%, -0.7 basis points
  • five-year 1.2597%, -0.3 basis points
  • 10 year 1.8097%, +0.7 basis points
  • 30 year 2.6012%, +3.4 basis points

In other markets:

  • crude oil futures are trading at $44.68, $-.65 or -1.43%
  • Spot gold is trading up $6 to $1303 or +0.46%