Nasdaq leads the chart up 1.21%

The US major stock indices or ending the day higher..

  • S&P is up 12.26 points or 0.6%. The S&P was up 18 or so points at the highs
  • Nasdaq composite is up 57.03 points or 1.21%. The high was up around 69 points
  • Dow industrial average up 65.47 points or 0.38%. The high was up around 135 points at the high.

In other marketet

  • Crude oil is trading at $47.75/down -0.75% on the day
  • Gold is down -0.1% on the day.
  • CRB index ix up +0.18%

The US Debt market are little changed on the day.

  • two-year note yield 0.8804%
  • 5 year note yield 1.3667%
  • 10 year note yield 1.8454%
  • 30 year bond yield 2.6363%