1. Doctornihil 231 pips
  2. Filippos 277
  3. Andrius 295

A good win for the Doc ahead of Filippos and Andrius in a tight fought battle with a mere 46 and 64 pips marking the difference.

This week results had to be referred to a stewards enquiry and investigations found that three entrants came in after the deadline. Most shockingly the boss man himself blatantly breezed in some three hours after the close!! As such the three culprits have been highlighted for public shame.

I would like to savour my weekly victory against my colleagues but would prefer to beat them on merit rather than brazen cheating


Is there no depths a man will sink to to win a prizeless contest? Tsk tsk!

I will open up the floor to the readership as to the punishment that should be handed down to these three brigands. Don’t hold back folks


These acts of treachery nearly took away from highlighting the wooden spoon winner Ray but at least he entered into the spirit of the competition, unlike some others

Reader recs pic 04 02 2014

We’re up and running for this week so have a go at the four pairs closing prices for this Friday. Give us your estimates for the following pairs prices for the 7 Feb close.

  1. USD/JPY
  2. EUR/USD
  3. AUD/USD
  4. GBP/USD

Numbers and reasons welcome.

Deadline for the compo is going to be 17.00 gmt Wednesday

Please click here to add your entry. Guesses in the comments will not count.