Energy Live has once again had to change its color scheme on European power prices as they skyrocket to new records.

European power prices

Here's what prices were six days ago:

european power prices

This is back on October 1 and for that time, prices were already at 'crisis' levels.

energy prices Europe Oct 1

These numbers render many industries completely uncompetitive.

A cold front is moving through much of Europe, leading to higher demand for power and gas.On top of that, there's been a throttling of French nuclear power. European gas prices are out of sight.

TTF gas prices daily
TTF gas prices daily

What's particularly concerning is that even out to year-end 2022, TTF prices are at €90.

Those prices are in MwH and I believe that translates to a Henry Hub prices of $55 (it's trading at $3.86). In other words, it's good to be an LNG exporter.