The major indices slumped into the close with the Nasdaq index hit the hardest. A snapshot of the close levels and shows:

  • Dow Industrial Average felt -70.15 points or -0.19% at 36054.44. At session highs the index was up 168.01 points
  • S&P index fell -17.82 point or -0.39% at 4549.35. At session highs the index was up 23.57 points
  • Nasdaq index fell -83.21 points or -0.58% at 14146.70. At session highs the index was up 97.72 points

To summarize and rank the "Magnificent Seven" stocks from best to worst performance based on the given data:

  • TSLA (Tesla) - The best performer with a price of $239.41, it was the only stock to see positive movement, up by $0.69 or 0.29%.
  • META (Meta Platforms, formerly Facebook) - Next, with a price of $317.36, it had a minimal drop of $-0.93 or -0.29%.
  • AAPL (Apple) - Priced at $192.27, it saw a slightly larger decline, down $-1.16 or -0.60%.
  • GOOGL (Alphabet, Google's parent company) - With a price of $130.03, it decreased by $-0.96 or -0.73%.
  • MSFT (Microsoft) - It fell to $368.81, down $-3.71 or -1.00%.
  • AMZN (Amazon) - At $144.48, it experienced a drop of $-2.40 or -1.63%.
  • NVDA (NVIDIA) - The worst performer among the seven, with a price of $455.04, it declined by $-10.62 or -2.28%.

Looking at the broader S&P index, three of the 11 components showed gains led by utilities and eight moved lower with energy performing the worst. Crude prices are down over 4.1% in trading today helping to lead to the decline in the energy component sector

Winners (Positive Performance):

  • S5UTIL (Utilities) - Up by 1.38% to 321.01.
  • S5INDU (Industrials) - Increased by 0.47% to 915.36.
  • S5HLTb (Health Care) - Slightly up by 0.06% to 1534.11.

Losers (Negative Performance):

  • S5COND (Consumer Discretionary) – Decreased by -0.03% to 1351.45
  • S5MATF (Materials) - Decreased by -0.16% to 508.73.
  • S5C0NÍ (Consumer Discretionary) - Fell by -0.23% to 740.21.
  • 55REAS (Real Estate) - Down by -0.34% to 237.30.
  • S5TELS (Telecommunications Services) - Declined by -0.46% to 230.46.
  • SPF (Financials) - Dropped by -0.51% to 593.42.
  • S5INFT (Information Technology) - Lowered by -0.93% to 3231.76.
  • SPN (Energy) - The largest decline of -1.64% to 620.14.