trump captain america

A report said Donald Trump was fingerprinted but didn't have a mugshot taken at New York City courthouse. He will be in a court room afterwards and will presumably plead not guilty.

The changes stem from paying off porn star Stormy Daniels with personal funds during an election, which is a violation of election finance laws. I'd say it's a weak offence to be trying to take down a former President, though it's similar to charges that former Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards faced a decade ago.

In any case, this is a non-event for markets for now. If anything, it could end up strengthening his bid for the Presidency in 2024 as it keeps him in the headlines.

What's not clear is exactly what he will be charged with and the sentence he might face. Other reports suggest other charges could also be coming in other cases so it's going to be quite a circus, as it always is in US politics.