ADP employment data Feb
  • Prior was +106K (revised to +119K)
  • Annual pay increase of job stayers +7.2% vs +7.3% prior
  • Pay increase of job changers +14.3% vs +15.4% prior
  • Small companies -56K
  • Midsized +77K
  • Larger +160K

This series is showing a different trajectory than the non-farm payrolls report but this is a pickup from the lowest levels in a year. The text of the report highlights wage inflation dynamics:

"We're seeing robust hiring, which is good for the economy and workers but pay growth is still quite elevated. The modest slowdown in pay increases, on its own, is unlikely to drive down inflation rapidly in the near-term," the survey said.

Strength in the leisure and hospitality (+83K) and financial services (+62K) drove the gains while construction and professional and business services saw job losses.