• Prior month -0.1%
  • Business inventories -0.1% to $2548.9B
  • October -0.1% the same level reported last month
  • Inventories YoY were up 0.4% from November 2022

Sales (November):

  • Total value: $1,858.8 billion.
  • Change from October 2023: Increase of 0.2% (±0.1% margin of error).
  • Change from November 2022: Increase of 1.0% (±0.3% margin of error).

Inventories/Sales Ratio (November):

  • Ratio for November: 1.37.
  • Ratio for November 2022: 1.38.
Business inventories
The inventory to sales ratio meant steady

The data is old but the problems in the Red Sea will be monitored for any disruptions in inventories. Most of the direct effect will be felt in Europe, but the wave can spread. These are older data points as well.