The UK FTSE 100 is the exception. Major indices are lower for the week

The major European indices are ending the day with mixed results:

  • German DAX, -0.1%
  • France's CAC, -0.5%
  • UK's FTSE 100, +0.1%
  • Spain's Ibex, -1.2%
  • Italy's FTSE MIB -0.8%

For the week:

  • German DAX, -1.1%
  • France's CAC -0.5%
  • UK's FTSE 100 -1.5%
  • Spain's Ibex, -1.9%
  • Italy's FTSE MIB -1.4%

a snapshot of markets as London/European traders look to exit:

  • Spot gold, $-1.56 or -0.09% at $1792.50.
  • Spot silver is down nine cents or -0.39% the $23.93
  • WTI crude oil futures are up $1.50 or 2.25% at $69.65
  • Bitcoin is down to $1000 at $45,391

In the US stock market, the major indices are lower. Apple app market news is weighing on its stock which is currently down around 2%.

  • Dow Jones -108 points or -0.31% at 34771.95
  • S&P index is down -9.6 points or -0.21% of 4483.68
  • NASDAQ is down -13.66 points or -0.09% at 15232