Nasdaq can't stay above the record close level

The S&P index is closing at an all-time record high. The NASDAQ index traded above the all-time record close, but backed off into the close. The index also failed to reach the all-time intraday high price at 8339.64. The high for the day reached 8335.56

The final numbers are showing:

  • S&P index up 16.87 points or 0.56% at 3039.42
  • NASDAQ index up 82.86 points or 1.01% at 8325.98
  • Dow up 132.66 points or 0.49% at 27090.72

In after hours trading Alphabet earnings missed although revenues beat marginally.

Earnings-per-share $10.12 versus $12.42 estimate

Revenues $40.5 billion versus $40.32 billion estimate