Draghi starts the presser
- Expects rates to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period
- Downside risks have increased again
- Inflation weaker than expected due to external risks
- Necessary to review and consider mon pol stance in March, when new projections are published
- Need to continue work to make sure that technical conditions are in place to make use of full range of policy tools
That's the bomb drop right there
- Survey indicators point to ongoing GDP growth momentum in Q4
- Expects recovery to proceed
- Policy measures should continue to support domestic demand
- Low oil prices support household consumption
- Fiscal stance in EZ becoming slightly expansionary
- Inflation expected to remain a very low or negative in 2016
- Risk of second round effects should be closely monitored
EURUSD was slammed down to 1.0780 but is back a handful above 1.0800
- ECB policy has improved borrowing conditions
- Decisive action is needed from other policy areas
- Structural reforms needed to help cyclical recovery
Now into his usual bluster about structural reforms