Currently 0.7717 on the back foot still but largely shrugging of Kent comments
Offers 0.7730 0.7750 0.7770 0.7785 0.7800 0.7830 0.7850 0.7865 0.7880 0.7900
Bids 0.7700 0.7680 0.7650 0.7625-30 0.7600 0.7585 0.7550
Offers 0.7730 0.7750 0.7770 0.7785 0.7800 0.7830 0.7850 0.7865 0.7880 0.7900
Bids 0.7700 0.7680 0.7650 0.7625-30 0.7600 0.7585 0.7550
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