Currently 0.8607 having capped into 0.8620.
Offers still in place into 0.8630. Bids/demand now in at 0.8600 and more into 0.8580.
Offers: 0.8625-30 0.8650 0.8685 0.8700 (strong)
Bids: 0.8600 0.8580 0.8565 0.8540 0.8520 0.8500 0.8485 0.8450
Offers still in place into 0.8630. Bids/demand now in at 0.8600 and more into 0.8580.
Offers: 0.8625-30 0.8650 0.8685 0.8700 (strong)
Bids: 0.8600 0.8580 0.8565 0.8540 0.8520 0.8500 0.8485 0.8450
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