More (via Reuters):
BOJ deputy governo Nakaso:
- Says Japan’s economy continues to grow above its potential
- Domestic demand is firm but exports continue to move sideways
- Expects Japan’s economy to continue to grow above its potential as virtuous cycle is sustained
- QQE is exerting its intended effect with long-term yields moving stably, inflation expectations rising as a whole
- Japan eyeing end of deflation but still half-way through in meeting BOJ’s price target
- Won’t hesitate to adjust policy if risks threaten change to our economic, price projections
- No evidence to confirm view that US is suffering “secular stagnation”
- Situation in Ukraine, Russia a potential risk for global outlook, so warrants attention
- I am somewhat concerned about slow growth in emerging economies, particularly in Asia
- Decline in Japan’s private consumption broadly in line with our initial expectations
- Pace of recovery in Japan’s exports has been slower than in the past when considering pace of recovery in global growth, yen moves
- Japan’s real exports are expected to increase moderately, though must watch developments “without undue optimism”
- Japan likely to achieve 2 percent inflation in or around fiscal 2015
And more:
- Upward inflation trend more important than monthly data
- Correction of strong yen to slow overseas output shift