A Reuters poll on oil prices for you
Here's the latest tea leaf reading from Reuters pollsters.
Brent avg
2016 44.69 vs 44.78 prior
2017 57.01 vs 57.08 prior
2016 43.46 unch
2017 55.23 vs 55.22 prior
Apart from picking numbers out of the air and adjusting them by a few cents, what does stand out is that there's not much optimism for further gains in the oil price after the OPEC deal.
I've had a look back at the early 2016 forecasts and they were thus;
Brent avg 52.52
WTI 49.75
That was on 4th Jan 2016. By 29th Feb, they had dropped to 40.10 for Brent and 38.90 for WTI.