And playing wicket keeper (or baseball catcherer for our yank cousins) is the 100 dma at 1.3133. The low is 1.3139 and we’ve already bounced back to 1.3150. We’ve been contained to the upside by the 55 dma and now it’s the turn of those below.

eurusddaily 03 09 2013 2

USD/JPY is falling back from the highs to 99.52 and cable has broken the lows at 1.5530 to post 1.5522.

There are headlines coming out that Obama is starting to get support from the wings on military action against Syria with US house speaker John Boehner urging support for Obama from colleagues. He’s said that US allies need to know that America will stand up when necessary.

This could be weighing on risk sentiment as the thought of bombs and bullets trump the US data.