Fed survey

the Federal Reserve is out with survey results. They say:

  • financial circumstances change dramatically for people who face job cuts or reduced hours as a result of the coronavirus
  • 19% of all adults either lost job or experience reduction in hours
  • 39% of workers with household income below $40,000 reported a job loss in March
  • 23% of all adults said their income in March was lower than February
  • workers who lost their jobs or were furloughed were told they could return to their job at some point
  • it is difficult to predict how long layoffs will last
  • 63% of workers with bachelors degrees or more were able to work fully from home compared to 20% of workers with a high school degree or less
  • 81% of adults said they could pay their bills in full and April, down from 84% 4thQ
  • 64% of adults reporting job loss or reduction in hours expected to pay all April bills compared to 85% for those without employment change
  • before the pandemic 25% of non-retired adults lacked retirement savings
  • before crisis 30% of adults could not cover 3 months of expenses using savings or borrowings