German economy minister Brigitte Zypries speaking to Reuters 17 June
"I think it would be great if they were to reverse the Brexit decision. However this scenario appears relatively unrealistic to me."
- thinks both sides should now proceed as planned
- won't be easy but a compromise is possible
- regrets UK's decision to leave the EU
- German ministry studies show that Brexit was likely to cause more damage to UK economy than German economy
Zypries' comments are in tune with those recently made by Macron and Schaeuble who have said that the door to the EU remains open to Britiain so long as an exit deal is not concluded.
Brexit negotiations are still scheduled to start on Monday as planned but with May still talking to the DUP and the Queens Speech delayed and yet to be passed the early talks are likely to be of little substance.
Meanwhile focus in the UK is firmly on the awful tower block fire and the political fall out for PM May.
Germany's Zypries - UK U-turn on Brexit "would be great"