Just like markets ForexLive always wants to evolve and bring you something different
We don't like to stand still at ForexLive. We want to continually break new ground in what we offer on these pages as well as bringing in other features that will help you become a success at trading
Work is continuing behind the scenes on the website so that you get the information when you need it and we're not stopping there
Education was one area we really wanted to get into and did so via our ACT trading course. We've been overwhelmed by your response to them and we want to continue down the education path. Our third course starting this week has only 4 places left
This will be the last ACT course as we will be taking some time to work on developments for the future
Everyday we at ForexLive are thankful for your continued support and so here's another chance for you to let us know what else you would like to see from us
As usual pop your thoughts down in the comments and thank you for coming to, and helping to build, ForexLive