Cnetral Banks via ING
Have you been hankering after a central bank crib sheet? Well, look no further. The helpful bunch over at ING have provided a central bank forecast that helps you see at a glance their projected path: here it is below:
Having a good idea of the direction of the world's key central banks is a helpful tool. I like the way that ING use a simplified chart so you can see at a quick glance the major direction they are projecting. Have a look at the full article here.
This week we have two central bank meetings coming up:
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday and the Bank of England on Thursday. You can check out some previews here:
Next week we have central bank meetings out of Australia and New Zealand on May 7 and May 8 respectively. The RBNZ meeting is the first one since the central bank has changed from a single decision maker to a committee. Some back ground reading on those rate meetings below too: