Kudlow on CNBC

  • Trump would like to continue talks
  • The President is determined to defend the American economy
  • We're in great shape, the Chinese are not
  • I don't understand why the Chinese can't seem to stop the fentanyl
  • If there's no progress on the deal, the tariffs might get worse
  • Consumer spending is booming
  • The Chinese economy is crumbling
  • Weakening yuan may push money out of China
  • We've seen China in the past, defending the currency, we don't see that now
  • US capital goods orders non-defense ex-air are 'starting to boom'

Kudlow is doing the usual song and dance. He has an incredible ability to talk at length without saying anything. Some people are pointing to the openness to talks but I don't see that as a change.

Here is the chart of capital goods orders non-defense ex-air. Can anyone find the boom?

capital goods orders non-defense ex-air