I posted some of the comments from DoubleLine's Jeff Gundlach earlier today
The post is here and there are some good links in the comments (courtesy of Solange)
Bloomberg have a summary piece up:
- Gundlach says there's more bad news ahead
- Falling commodity prices are signs of China's weakening economy, which will lead to more destabilizing devaluations of the yuan
- Moves by the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates are fighting non-existent inflation and hurting gross domestic product growth
- Stocks are going to follow high-yield bonds down
- Low oil prices may lead to political instability
- Global growth might slow to 1.9 percent this year with U.S. manufacturing already in a recession,
- Puts the odds of a recession at about 50 percent if the services sector falls more
- Stock markets are likely to keep struggling early in 2016 before a "buying opportunity" arises later in the year