Ryan had the initial news, here: "an accord is needed by the end of May"

There is a little more on this around the traps, but this is from the Australian Financial Review (gated): Merkel gives Greece 12 days to reach funding deal

First off, though, h/t and thanks to ThreeCheeseFondue in the comments for the follow-up article

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande gave Greece until the end of May to reach a deal on its aid program


  • "We do expect that decisive progress now be made in the relevant forums, particularly in the so-called Brussels Group"
  • "The talks certainly have to be accelerated. They're not exactly moving too fast."


  • "it's in everyone's interest that Greece stays in the euro zone, so it's in everyone's interest to have a lasting accord"
  • "Time is pressing"

The timeline was echoed by EU President Jean-Claude Juncker ... policymakers begin to coalesce around the end of May as a key date