New Zealand first quarter employment report from Stats NZ
Unemployment rate: 4.2% ……… beat
- expected 4.3%, prior was 4.3%
Employment change -0.2% q/q ……………. bad miss
- expected 0.5%, prior was 0.1%
Employment change 1.5% y/y
- expected 2.2%, prior was 2.3%
Participation rate 70.4
- expected 70.9%, prior was 70.9%
Data on wage growth … Average hourly earnings 1.1% ……….. beat
- expected 0.8%, prior was 1.0%
Private wages including overtime 0.3% ………. miss
- expected 0.5%, prior was 0.5%
Private wages excluding overtime 0.3% ………. miss
- expected 0.5%, prior was 0.5%
The unemployment rate looks liks a nice beat, but with lower participation (by a good chunk) its not so good after all. And most of the rest of the numbers are not good, employment growth missed while wages missed also.
NZD marked down.
Background here: