If does not work, Trump tariffs could go into effect
- US-Mexico deal reflects diplomacy at its finest
- Has full confidence Mexico will fully implement immigration agreement
- if sufficient progress is not made on Mexico immigration, Trumps threatened tariffs could go into force
- expect to have a good idea within a month or 45 days whether deal can achieve expected outcomes
- prepared to give agreement with Mexico some amount of time to see whether it's working
- US did not offer Mexico funding to enforce agreement
- progress on border will be evaluated literally daily
- hard work to do on border plan implementation
Meanwhile Mexican Foreign Minister Ebard is saying:
- White House pushed for safe 3rd country deal at meeting
- Mexico threatened with retaliation tariffs during talks
- Tarirff scenario had a very high cost for Mexico
- Mexico didn't agree to agricultural purchases from US
- migration flows to US higher than ever
- Africa, 80, Cuba migrants traveling through Mexico
- US confrontation would be very costly for Mexico
Of the Ebard comments, the one saying that the US had not agreed to agricultural purchases is something that has been talked about by the White House